➡️ First, what is exactly an #extremophile organism?
Kristjansson and Hreggvidsson (1995) defined an extremophile as one whose optimal growth conditions are found beyond their “normal” environments (temperature 4 - 40°C, pH 5 - 8.5, salinity 0.01 - 50 g/L).
💡 In some environments, no one would not expect to find any living organisms… And yet, we can still find life: mainly bacteria and archaea, but also microalgae!
➡️ What are these extreme microalgae environments?
➡️ So, why are extreme algae species so interesting to cultivate !?
✅ For contamination control:
Avoid biological contamination in microalgae culture (virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, other microalgae, insects…), because an extreme environment is very selective!
These cultivated microalgae can be either extremophile species, or extreme environment-adapted species (Arthrospira and Haematococcus adapted to saline environments for example).
✅ For valuable #metabolite production and hyperproduction (some examples ⤵️):
👴🏽 Against chronological #aging:
🎨 Valuable #pigment production (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, etc):
❄️ Antifreezing proteins:
Ω Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA):
💧 Regulation of #hydration and #digestion:
⚡️ UV-resistance:
For more details:
✏️ Kristjansson and Hreggvidsson, « Ecology and habitats of extremophiles » (1995), DOI:10.1007/BF00339134
✏️ Seckbach J., « Survey of Algae in Extreme Environments » (2015), DOI:10.1007/978-94-017-7321-8_10
✏️ Gudin, C., « Histoire naturelle des micro algues » (2013)
✏️ Seckbach J. et al., « Algae and Cyanobacteria Under Environmental Extremes » (2007), DOI:10.1007/978-1-4020-6112-7_42